Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Jacob Kempton Kammerman was born at 6:05 in West Valley, Utah. He weighed 6 lbs. 5 oz. and was 18 inches long.

Emily Anne Kammerman was born at 6:07 in West Valley, Utah. She weighed 5 lbs. 15 oz and was 18 inches long.

Patricia is recovering well; she is anxious to get to solid foods!

The staff at Pioneer Valley Hospital are awesome. They are cheerful, accommodating, and very thoughtful. I got to spend the first 45 minutes of the kids' lives with them in the nursery (there were no other infants there at the time). Patricia was finally able to see them a couple of hours later, after they sewed her up and moved her into a maternity room. The evening went well. The kids are learning to nurse; though they want to sleep more than anything else. Emily has had her eyes open more than Jacob; but he has been a more energetic eater. They look quite a bit different, I think. Jacob has a bigger nose; at least that's the most recognizable difference that I picked up on.

We'll take the other kids to see them later on today.

I big thank you to Dr. H. for taking care of Patricia. The anesthesiologist was excellent, too. His demeanor is perfect; Patricia felt very safe and taken care of. Thanks also to all those that are thinking of us.

As I am typing this, Scotland the Brave came up on my playlist. This made me think of all my ancestors; without whose sacrifice Jacob and Emily would not be here. I am so grateful to my grandparents, their parents, and so on. I am truly blessed with a wonderful heritage.

Most importantly, I give thanks to Heavenly Father. I feel a great sense of humility as I ponder the fact that I am a father of wonderful children who part of this great generation. I must do better to serve them.

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