Monday, June 14, 2010

Just say "YES!"

I'm trying to look for opportunities to say "Yes" to my children more often. How many times do they hear "no" from me? Too much, for sure. Too often I say "no" simply because I'm lazy, or their request is not convenient for me at the time. I've found that when I do say yes, I feel a great feeling of satisfaction that I am serving my children.

One little example is Anna's bedtime routine. Every night she gets into bed, says her prayers, and asks for a drink of water prior to going to sleep. Many times I would tell her: "Get your drink BEFORE you go to bed, I'm not getting one for you." Lately, I've went and got her a drink without complaining--and that simply act of kindness strengthens our small bond of love in a way that may be intangible, but is unmistakeably real.

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